Opinion of a pediatrician about a cocoon! Pediatrician about a cocoon for newborns and safe sleep. On the one hand, it seems that it can even happen to a child in a beautiful and expensive bed Or why not put a newborn baby under your side and sleep together, it's convenient ...
So, the points below will help you make your baby's sleep safer, so ⠀ Separate sleep is safer than joint sleep, because in a dream a mother cannot always control herself (fatigue makes itself felt). We choose only dense mattresses from high-quality materials (no camel or sheep featherbeds)
The sleeping position is strictly on the back, it will be very good if the head end can be adjusted on the crib by lifting it above the foot end, thus you prevent sudden infant death syndrome
The position on the side or with a support is very unstable, the child can roll over face into the mattress in a dream, this is not safe. I want to remind you that next to the crib (on the cabinet / changing table, for example) there should be nothing within the reach of the child, I mean loose and liquid substances, cotton pads, piercing / cutting objects, plastic bags (!), This is not safe!
The closest possible sleep is always welcome, it is convenient for both the baby and the mother, there are 2 ways to organize it
1. the side bed goes on a par with an adult bed (I told you about it earlier);
2. nest-cocoon is ideal for babies in the first 6 months of life It has an anatomical shape that repeats the outlines of the baby's body, a pose close to fetal, but the movements of the arms and legs are not limited in any way, which is very important for a small researcher.